ORO FACIAL MANIFESTATIONS OF ENCEPHALO-TRIGEMINAL ANGIOMATOSIS:A CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF LITERATURESturge Weber Syndrome also called as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis is a sporadically occurring neurocutaneous syndrome caused by persistence of transit


  • Dr Bhavana Vadla Post graduate,Department of Oral medicine and radiology,Kamineni institute of dental sciences.
  • Dr Balaji Babu Professor and Head of the department,Department of Oral medicine and Radiology,Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences.
  • Dr Shilpa Rao Juvvadi Postgraduate,Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences.
  • Dr Mounika Reddy Mekala Postgraduate,Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences.


Keywords:Port-wine stain, Sturge-Weber syndrome Tram-track calcifications


Sturge Weber Syndrome also called as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis is a sporadically occurring neurocutaneous syndrome caused by persistence of transitory primordial arteriovenous connection of the foetal intracranial vasculature. It is characterized by vascular malformation with capillary venous angiomas that involve face, choroid of eye and leptomeninges with resulting neurological and orbital manifestations.The diagnosis is usually considered in a child presenting with seizures and facial capillary malformation along the trigeminal nerve distribution.In this article a case of Sturge‑Weber syndrome associated with oral manifestations and review on literature is presented.






Case Report