A benign hamartomatous tumor-Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor


  • shilpa rao juvvadi Post graduate,Department of oral medicine and radiology,kamineni institute of dental sciences
  • Dr. B.Balaji babu Professor and Headof the department,Department of oral medcine and radiology,Kamineni institute of dental sciences
  • Dr. Bhavana Vadla Post graduate,Department of oral medicine and radiology,kamineni institute of dental sciences
  • Dr. B.Jaya Lakshmi Post graduate,Department of oral medicine and radiology,kamineni institute of dental sciences


Adenomatoid, Adenoameloblastoma, Cortical expansion, Hamartomatous, Hypodense,


Odontogenic tumors are a group of heterogenous lesions. Among all the tumors Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign noninvasive relatively rare which affects younger individuals. In literature it has been considered as hamartoma rather than a true neoplasm because of its limited size, minimal growth and lack of recurrence. Here by we are discussing about a case of Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor and detailed differential diagnosis and radiographic findings and treatment.





Case Report