Rosselli-Gulienetti Syndrome: Clinical Presentation and Management- A Rare Case Report.


  • madhu sudhana rao vedantham 2nd year PG, Department of Prosthodontics, GDC&H, HYDERABAD, KNRUHS
  • sreeramulu basapogu Professor & HOD, Department of prosthodontics, GDC&H, HYDERABAD
  • Shalini karnam Associate Professor, GDC&H, HYDERABAD, KNRUHS
  • mounika dasari 3rd year PG student, Department of Prosthodontics, GDC&H, HYDERABAD
  • Prathyusha koppula 3rd year PG Student, department of prosthodontics, GDC&H, HYDERABAD
  • Mansha saxena 3rd year PG Student, department of prosthodontics, GDC&H, HYDERABAD


Rosselli-Gulienetti Syndrome, Oronasal fistula, Stainless steel Retainers, Silicone materials


Rosselli-Gulienetti Syndrome (RGS) is an inherited genetic disease, follows an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. This is a case of completely edentulous RGS with incomplete closure  of the roof of the mouth and a cleft lip with an Oronasal communication. The presence of an Oronasal fistula presents a challenge to Maxillary complete denture fabrication because leakage of air from the nasal cavity through the fistula prevents the formation of an adequate border seal and further absence of anterior portion of alveolar ridge and lip, worsen the retention of the denture. The overall goal of rehabilitating such patients is focussed on closure of Oronasal communication, improving acceptable speech, appearance, proper occlusion and masticatory function. This clinical report illustrates an alternative solution by integrating a small retentive component into a Maxillary complete denture. 





Case Report